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Shearman & Sterling LLP Sandbox

| 1 minute read

Creating a 'Commentary-Style' Passle Post

Passle facilitates users to create content as they are reading any article online. This is referred to as a 'commentary-style' post and will automatically cite the article you are quoting as you create your piece of content. 

Follow the steps below to create a commentary-style Passle post: 

Step 1: Read any article online 

Step 2: Highlight a passage of text from the article and press the Passle browser extension to initiate your post 

Step 3: Add your post title & body text 

Step 4: If instead, you want to flag the article you're reading to a colleague, then you can send them a post suggestion 

Step 5: Change the 'Featured Media' if you want to replace the Open Graph image that pulls through when linking to the article you're quoting 

Step 6: There is an option to include Tweets alongside your post 

Step 7: Add any tags before sending your post through for approval 

The quotation in the brackets with the link below is the quote the author highlighted linking back to the original article. You will also find the example Tweets that have been selected. 

The project uses Nissan's electric Leaf model. Each car is festooned with cameras and sensors, many of them bolted to a perfectly ordinary roof rack. The boot is full of computers and electronics. It all looks rather rough and ready. But out on the road, following a circuit between roundabouts on the A206, it feels smooth and controlled. Sitting in the back seat, it's remarkably easy to forget the car is guiding itself. Such precision is helped by guidance systems using precise 3D mapping, highly accurate GPS, radar, and Lidar - a laser-based sensing method.


practice 1, practice 4, practice 7, industry 4, content